
What is the Birth Chart and its main components

The Birth Chart is the map of the sky at the time of a person’s birth. The natal chart reflects an individual’s unique personality and behavioral tendencies.

The positions of the planets relative to the time and place of a person’s birth are considered to correspond to the life tendency of that individual.

Therefore, the study of it helps us to become more aware of our energies and possibilities for growth.  Thanks to Astrology and the Birth Chart we can obtain any information about ourselves.

Qué es la carta astal

What can I know through my Birth Chart

The study of the Natal or Astral Chart serves as a tool for evolution and self-knowledge. It allows you to understand your own character and your human potential. It helps us to know and understand ourselves, to understand what our strengths are and what we need to work on in order to be more aware of our abilities and possibilities. This powerful tool can also be used as a guide and life orientation. 

As Sara, Astrologer en miistico explains , “The Astral Chart gives an explanation to constantly recurring obstacles, to our challenges in relationships, to physical and/or psychological ailments, to the feeling of vital discomfort, to knowing what our purpose is…It’s like turning on the light in a dark room, allowing you to see every corner with enormous clarity

Main components of the Birth Chart

To understand what the Astral Chart is  it is important to know the elements that compose it. The Natal Chart includes innumerable details about a person’s personality and life tendency. The main components are the following:

The Sun (solar sign) would be what we commonly know as our “horoscope”. 

The Ascendant (AC) is the sign of the zodiac that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. 

The Descendant (DC) is the sign that sets on the western horizon at the moment of birth. The Midheaven (MC)is the highest point in the horoscope. It reflects where you are going and the highest goals in life. It shows those tendencies and qualities that become more important in the course of life and should be developed. 

The Imum Coeli (IC), shows the psychological roots and origin of where you come from in terms of spatial (home) and emotional security. 

Lastly, you find the elements (fire, earth, water and air) that represent the natural impulse that moves each sign and the modalities (cardinal, fixed and mutable) that show the basic motivation and the way of facing the world.

Difference between Solar, Lunar and Ascendant sign

The Sun (solar sign) represents our intrinsic character, our essence and the way most of our personality takes place. It indicates the way you live your life energy. 

The Ascendant (AC) is a personal point of great importance as it marks the way we have to approach life and channel our energies. It relates to the physical body, the more spontaneous reactions and facets, and the way we undertake something new. It also reflects how others see us and the mask we show to the world. It tends to have more influence during the second part of our life.

Finally, the Moon shows us a person’s emotional state and response. It symbolizes the maternal instinct. How you respond emotionally to situations. The Moon symbolizes the feminine in the person, the family and your relationship to it. The Moon in the signs of the zodiac indicates the type of emotional and immediate response of the person in front of different situations in life.

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